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World Heritage Visitor Centre

The Norwegian Fjord Centre is the visitor and education hub for the West Norwegian Fjords – Geirangerfjord World Heritage Site. The exhibitions showcase the exciting and unique fjord landscape that was granted World Heritage status by UNESCO in 2005.

Our exhibitions and interactive stations give you an opportunity to learn about the geological processes that formed the fjord landscape, and to see what the landscape looks like today. You will also learn about the area’s biological diversity and how animals and plants have adapted to the various habitats. The visitor centre incorporates a dedicated children’s exhibition and activity room.

Our charming café serves excellent light meals and the shop prides itself on selling sustainable Norwegian products.


Photo Kristoffer Nærø Ytterland

Permanent exhibition – geology, biology and culture

Why are the mountains so high and the fjord so deep? How did people survive the winter on a lonely mountain ledge? Can flowers grow on landslip sites? What will happen when the rock fall at Åkerneset is triggered and the flood wave travels up the fjord?

Our permanent exhibition tells the story of how the mighty landscape was formed, and how it is still affected by natural forces. You will be introduced to the local flora and fauna and gain an insight into the ongoing natural processes, whatever their scale. On your tour through the centre you will travel one hundred years back in time, explore buildings and farming tools, check out the rolling of the local service boat and feel the gust from a snow drift as it comes tumbling down the steep mountain sides.

Photo Kristoffer Nærø Ytterland

Photo Kristoffer Nærø Ytterland

Cinema and auditorium

Our cinema takes you on a visual journey of the World Heritage Site through the changing seasons. Mood music reinforces the beauty and drama of the images. This is the ideal opportunity to calm right down and feel at one with nature, enjoying a well-deserved break in a busy travel itinerary.

At regular intervals we design new products that we are keen to show off in our modern cinema. Look out for them! The auditorium is equipped with an unusually large curved screen and robust projection equipment, well suited for cultural experiences as well as conferences. There is amphitheatre seating for 100 people, so everyone has a good view of the screen and stage.

Photo Rune Hagen

Fjordheim – imaginative learning for children

We want to play a part in giving children and young people the best possible basis for looking after the World Heritage assets in the future. The Fjordheim exhibition features glaciers, rivers and rocks in the shape of amusing creatures: Georgie Gneiss introduces you to all of his rock mates, and you can crawl into the tummy of Mother Mantel to listen to her talking about the birth of the fjord landscape.

Photo Kristoffer Nærø Ytterland

The Green Fjord exhibition

What can we do to preserve the unique World Heritage Site for the future? How can we make our villages more sustainable?

The Green Fjord movement has addressed many of the major challenges faced by the World Heritage Site and its surrounding areas. As a result of their efforts, stricter requirements have been introduced for all vessels on the fjord. Greater attention is now being paid to the health impact of emissions to air and water, and we are looking at better ways to control travel on land.

We have high ambitions: we want the area to become a beacon of good management for natural and cultural heritage! The Green Fjord exhibition tells the story of this work.

Photo Kristoffer Nærø Ytterland

Temporary exhibitions

In recent years, we have been displaying specially curated art exhibitions in a distinctive room with a view of the fjord. The exhibitions have been themed on natural and cultural aspects of the World Heritage Site.

Another room is used for temporary exhibitions covering a wide range of themes. These may be visiting displays showcasing topical issues, exhibitions produced by our in-house staff, or exhibitions that emanate from projects we have been working on in partnership with local schools. We would love you to get in touch if you have a good idea, or would like to work with us as a partner in a future exhibition project.

Photo Merete Løvoll Rønneberg

Café and shop

When your mind is buzzing with new impressions, it is good to sit down somewhere pleasant and enjoy a refreshment. Our café offers a selection of coffees and other drinks, as well as light meals made from local produce.

You can also buy World Heritage mementos that are exclusively available from the centre. If you treat yourself or someone else to one of these souvenirs, you will help us to protect and further develop the World Heritage Site.

Photo Kristoffer Nærø Ytterland

Location and outdoor areas

The Norwegian Fjord Centre is beautifully situated on a small knoll above the fjord. It is easily accessible by car or bus, and there is a refreshing riverside walk from the fjord.

The Waterfall Trail is an adventure whatever the season – the fresh river water and the magnificent steps will make sure you feel your blood rushing. There is a well laid out picnic area with campfire facilities and a playground for children. There is a nature trail, and hay-rack poles for building with, or you can make use of the volleyball court. Do you fancy a go at ‘Kubb’ or another outdoor game?

Our outdoor toilets are open 24 hours a day throughout the summer. The car park has a charging station for electric cars.

The Norwegian Fjord Centre is located approximately 1 km from the village centre, with 327 stair steps and an elevation gain of 85 m.


Norwegian Fjordsenter

Photo Hyke Studio